Vineyard Church West began in 2012 with a small group of people that had vision for a church in the Piper area, on the west side of Kansas City. After renting space at Wolcott Baptist Church (built 50 + years ago) for 3 years, we were given the opportunity to purchase the building and land in 2015. Through God’s faithful and abundant provision and the generosity of our church giving toward the building fund, we were able to purchase the land & building where we currently gather.
Our heartbeat is to love and serve the people of our city. We do this partly through opening our facilities for local children, youth, and families throughout the year. During many of these events we have found our current space lacking to accommodate the needs of our church and city. We are now building and expanding our current space to serve our church and city for the next 50 years.
Our building expansion includes:
Gathering space in the form of a Welcome Center/Lobby that is two to three times larger than our current Welcome Center. More space to gather and talk.
Dedicated student center and gathering space for youth ministries.
Additional Kid’s Ministry classrooms.
Multi-purpose space for adult Sunday Gathering/Sanctuary that can be used for potlucks, year-round activities, basketball, pickle ball, sports and youth events, after school programs and community events.
Where will the money come from for the building Expansion?
The Board has decided that the expansion, will be completed primarily through our capital campaign and by borrowing money only if necessary. We are currently debt free, and we are also willing to take on some debt for the sake of advancing God’s Kingdom. We do not want to remain in debt for an extended period of time. Our plan is to pay off any mortgage incurred within 5 to 10 years. We want to free up those monies for ministry and leave a legacy to our children and grandchildren — a legacy of a debt-free facility that will serve as a light to the greater Kansas City area. Check out ways God may provide through us in our A to Z Building Fund Giving Guide here.
Wide Open: 90-Day Faith Journey has begun!
We are looking to break ground on our building expansion late 2024 or early 2025. Our 90-Day Faith Journey is a huge part of our being able to break ground! During August 5th to November 3rd we focused on making space for more of God in our hearts and lives and making space for more people by expanding our building. We are leaning into God to provide $500,000 through us within a 90-Day period. This will be a time of seeing God provide in miraculous ways!
Everyone is asked to pray, attend an information meeting and ask God what he would have each one give over and above their regular giving during the 90-day faith journey and over the next 36 months. During the 36-months beginning November 3rd we are setting out to raise an additional $300,000 through pledges and then giving during 36 months.
How do you decide what to give for our 90-Day Faith Journey and pledge for the 36-Month Building Campaign?
First, pray. You definitely want God's heart on the matter. Ask God what he has already provided for you to contribute and to provide more for you to contribute to this effort.
Second, ask yourself what a sacrificial gift would look like for you. What are you willing to sacrifice to see God's vision for Vineyard Church accomplished in this generation?
Ready to give as a part of our 90-Day faith journey? Go here and make sure Building Fund is chosen. You can also bring a check or cash on Sundays, make sure to write building fund on the check or envelope.
Let’s do this together! How can you help?
Please prayerfully and thoughtfully consider how you and your family will contribute to the building expansion financially.
Pray with us for God to lead us in this project.
You can Give now or Pledge a Future Gift below
If you have any questions or thoughts on our building expansion, please contact Cody Busick at cody@vkcwest.com.